Dr P K Richardson & Associates are great family dentists practising in Maroubra Junction for over 45 years in a friendly, relaxed environment with highly trained staff. We cover General, Cosmetic, Emergency and Preventive dentistry to avoid BIG dental bills. We are a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Our Dentists
Dr Joanne Richardson BDS ( Univ. of Sydney)
Dr Elliot Naftal BDent (Univ. of Sydney)
Dr Tuan Dao (Hons) MDSC (Pros) (Univ. of Sydney)
We Can:
• Keep children’s teeth healthy
• Provide exciting new options to improve your dental health
• Provide an aesthetic smile and bite reconstruction
• Treat dental emergencies
• Whiten stained or dark teeth
• Rejuvenate worn teeth using modern filling materials
• Replace old amalgams with tooth coloured materials
• Perform crown and bridge work and veneers
• Place implants by specialist prosthodontist
• Manage gum problems and bad breath
• Treat wisdom teeth and perform root canal treatment
• Construct dentures
Preferred providers
Medibank Private (only Practice in Maroubra)
Come visit us TODAY
On-the- spot claims with Hicaps
Visa and Mastercard accepted
• Teen Medicare vouchers
• Veteran’s Affairs
• 10% discount for Seniors
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